Real estate agent network @realty has created a new awards program to recognise its top performing agents.
The inaugural recipient, Patrick D’Arrigo, is the first to earn 100 per cent commission under the group’s new remuneration scheme.
The 100 per cent commission scheme allows agents to take home full commission once they have paid $20,000 in service fees through their standard commission, which Mr D’Arrigo was able to achieve in just three months.
Mr D’Arrigo works in the north Brisbane corridor centred around Albany Creek and Warner, and has sold 24 properties in the past three months, predominantly priced in the $550,000 – $650,000 bracket.
He says the combination of @realty’s commission structure and a relatively buoyant market in north Brisbane had allowed him to get ahead.
“I previously worked for a big brand agency and there wasn’t really any incentive or reward for agents who went the extra mile for their clients and the brand,” he said.
“I was able to reach the benchmark for 100 per cent commissions fairly quickly because @realty’s business model gives me a lot of flexibility – there are very few restrictions and I am in charge of when, where and how I work.
“The market in north Brisbane is still going strong, with plenty of activity, especially from first time buyers taking advantage of current low interest rates and incentives.
Director of @realty, JJ Taylor, said Mr D’Arrigo’s achievement shows 100 per cent commission is within reach for all agents.
“Patrick has done a fantastic job in reaching full commission within just 12 weeks,” he said.
“He didn’t have to sell multi-million dollar properties to hit the target – the majority were average family homes.
“We have introduced the Allstar Award as just one more way we can recognise agents who go above and beyond.
“The 100 per cent commissions scheme is in addition to a range of other remuneration benefits we offer, including payment of commission ahead of settlement, our
ambassador revenue sharing program and multiple income streams, including finance and conveyancing and the ability to own rent rolls.”